Friday, December 16, 2011

The Help, Pomegranate Cookies, and a Beautiful Baby Room

I sort of feel like I'm on moderate bedrest. Because of my pain I can't do much right now. I tried walking again on Natalie's treadmill on Wednesday. I went VERY slowly and didn't feel much pain during the workout, but felt worse afterward, so I'm wondering if walking is even too much for me. It bums me out. I'm nervous that my body won't be strong enough to really get through natural childbirth. Starting the Hypnobirthing class in a few weeks will probably help me let go of a lot of this anxiety.

The pain combined with having a few days off work has contributed to me parking my pregnant ass on our recliner couch. It's nice in a way but I know it's going to get old. I rented The Help from Redbox, which I've been waiting to see. I loved it. I loved the book as well and think they did a great job with the movie. I highly recommend it!

I plan on resting more today, getting a massage and then making these cookies for Stephanie's birthday party tonight:

recipe can be found here:

I made these last year and everyone went crazy for them. Natalie specifically requested these again for the party tonight. I will try to save most of them for the party...but I'm not making any promises. Couch-ridden, bored, and hungry pregnant ladies can't always be trusted around such deliciousness.

On another note, we FINALLY finished the baby room walls. I've been wanting to do this for weeks and I'm really happy with how they turned out. Brodie did the majority of the work. I came up with the idea, and the artist of the family made it happen. I think it's adorable and whimsical and perfect for our little girl.

Here is the project in the beginning stages:

Creating trees from tape:


And the finished wall!

Here is the fabric I am planning on using for the blanket and other things:

We still have a lot to do to finish the room. My goal is to have it done by my baby shower in mid-February so that we can have a few weeks to chill before our baby gets here. I can't wait to see her in the room!

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